第五人格幽灵少女主题曲 philoi《No Regrets》MP3网盘下载
歌曲以《真理之下》剧情中水晶宫事件后的心锁为背景。抉择如沉重的枷锁,心锁踏上了与以往截然不同的道路,在充满贪欲的环境中与 “蛇” 共舞,面临着危机与机遇,歌曲展现了她的心路历程。旋律与歌词配合紧密,通过节奏的变化和音符的组合,营造出一种神秘、坚定又带有一丝悲壮的氛围,将心锁在黑暗中寻找信仰、展开计划的形象刻画得淋漓尽致。在主歌部分,旋律相对平稳,像是在诉说着心锁的过去和内心的挣扎;到了副歌部分,旋律逐渐激昂,强调了 “无怨无悔” 的主题,展现出心锁的坚定决心。
第五人格幽灵少女主题曲 philoi《No Regrets》MP3网盘下载
Idon't care for what used to be
My heart is locked, with the key buried deep
These streets are filled with greed
And I wonder who’ s my guest tonight?
They play their game,I'll play mine too
Dancing with the devil is nothing new
Tracking venom with the snake’ s bite
No way to hide but to fight
All the chains I bear
Leave me no escape
So I found a new faith indarkness' embrace
In the shadows, my methods unfold
Once the hunted, now hunts with a new soul
Oh,now's the time for your desperation
Hold still, or face your own devastation
Let me guide you to salvation
No regrets
She once had the bluest sky in her eyes
But now the azure blaze has died
She once had a heart of gold
But now she wants to pull your strings and take control
Burn the past
I've found the ultimate solution for our fate
It's all set, nothing holds me back
I'll be the one spinning the threads
Ah... one day you'll see
I'll bring this world to peace
Has she returned? Is this a dream?
Her whisper sounds afar, like a fading gleam
When the night falls,there's someone she thinks of
But she must finish her goal
Don't be afraid
Oh,it's normal to feel desperation
Hold still, or face your own devastation
Let me guide you to your redemption
Click, Clack
When gears turn, emotion fades
Clunk and snap
There is no turning back
No sorrow, no mercy, no guilt, no doubt, no pain, no shame
I wield the strings of fate
No mistakes
I'll give you the strongest mind to survive
You'll have another chance to strive
Despite all your struggles inside
Surrender to the only truth and comply
No regrets
She once had the bluest sky in her eyes
But now the azure blaze has died
She once had a heart of gold
But now she wants to pull your strings and take control
Burn the past
I've found the ultimate solution for our fate
It's all set, nothing holds me back
I'll be the one spinning the threads
Say goodbye to what can never be
Ah... one dayyou'll see
I'll bring this world to peace