抖音热门外语歌曲 比翼之鸟Billie Eilish《BIRDS OF A FEATHER》MP3下载
歌曲标题源自英国谚语 “birds of a feather flock together”,意为物以类聚,人以群分。比莉在歌曲中唱到自己爱上一个人,以至于想和对方 “粘在一起”,体现出她情感上最脆弱的时刻,也表达了对人际联系的深切渴望。歌词深刻而富有情感,展现出比莉对爱情的渴望与执着,以及愿意与爱人相伴至死的决心。歌曲探讨了爱情、依赖和情感纽带。歌词描绘了一段深刻而复杂的关系,表达了即使面对困难和不确定性,双方依然愿意紧紧相依的情感。Billie通过她标志性的低语式唱腔和细腻的歌词,将听众带入一种既亲密又略带忧郁的氛围中。
2024 年 8 月 11 日,比莉・艾利什参加巴黎奥运会闭幕式表演,在法兰西体育场演唱了《BIRDS OF A FEATHER》,使得该曲流媒体播放量在 Spotify 上突破了 10 亿大关。
抖音热门外语歌曲 比翼之鸟Billie Eilish《BIRDS OF A FEATHER》MP3下载
I want you to stay
Till I'm in the grave
Till I rot away, dead and buried
就算我长眠六尺之下 徒留一具枯骨
Till I'm in the casket you carry
If you go, I'm goin' too
倘若你要走 我便随你同去
'Cause it was always you
And if I'm turnin' blue, please don't save me
不必费心救赎我 哪怕我再郁郁寡欢
Nothin' left to lose without my baby
失去亲爱的你 我对这世间再无留恋
Birds of a feather
犹如比翼之鸟 天生契合
We should stick together, I know
我深知 彼此理应似漆如胶
I said I'd never
我坦言 从前的自己绝不会料到
Think I wasn't better alone
Can't change the weather
Might not be forever
But if it's forever, it's even better
可若能携手一生 便更抚人心一筹
And I don't know what I'm cryin' for
我不懂 自己的泪为何而流
I don't think I could love you more
只晓得对你的爱 已倾我所有
It might not be long, but, baby, I
或许相伴时日不多 但亲爱的
I'll love you till the day that I die
此情不渝 至死方休
Till the day that I die
爱你 直到我最后一刻
Till the light leaves my eyes
Till the day that I die
I want you to see
How you look to me
You wouldn't believe if I told ya
You would keep the compliments I throw ya
But you're so full of shit
Tell me it's a bit (Oh, oh)
还妄自菲薄 (噢 噢)
Say you don't see it, your mind's polluted
装作视而不见 心存旁骛
Say you wanna quit, don't be stupid
竟蠢人自扰 生出逃离的念头
And I don't know what I'm cryin' for
我不懂 自己的泪为何而流
I don't think I could love you more
只晓得对你的爱 已倾我所有
It might not be long, but, baby, I
或许相伴时日不多 但亲爱的
Don't wanna say goodbye
Birds of a feather
犹如比翼之鸟 天生契合
We should stick together, I know (Till the day that I die)
我深知 彼此理应似漆如胶 (此情不渝 至死方休)
I said I'd never
我坦言 从前的自己绝不会料到
Think I wasn't better alone (Till the light leaves my eyes)
独自一人也不见得岁月静好 (直到我双眸无神失色)
Can't change the weather
Might not be forever (Till the day I die)
或许做不到天长地久 (直到我生命的尽头)
But if it's forever it's even better
可若能携手一生 便更抚人心一筹
I knew you in another life
You had that same look in your eyes
你越过时空的眼神 一如彼时
I love you, don't act so surprised
我爱你 别摆出这副惊讶的样子